Summer never felt so good
Before you feel the splash of summer, remember to go through our checklist

Ensure that your pump, filter and
automatic pool cleaner are in good
working order.

Clear floating debris from the surface and scoop out debris that may have accumulated on the bottom of the pool. Clear both
the pool pump and weir baskets.

Water Level
Top up the pool water level so that it
reaches the middle of the weir.

Backwash the filter for 2
minutes and rinse the pool
filter for 30 seconds.

Plug in your automatic pool cleaner
and check that it is working.

Set your pool timer to run for 12 hours or
adjust to suit your pool size.
Let’s prep the water to swim
Test and correct
Test your water using a pool water test kit or test strips. Adjust your water
parameters to within the recommended ranges.
pH: 7.2 – 7.6.
Add HTH® Easy Acid or HTH® Dry Acid if your pH is too high, or HTH® Soda Ash or HTH® Alkalinity Up if your pH is too low. -
Total Alkalinity (TA): 80 – 120ppm.
Increase TA by adding HTH® Alkalinity Up or add HTH® Easy Acid or HTH® Dry Acid if TA is too high. - Chlorine: 1 – 3 ppm
- Stabiliser (cyanuric acid / CYA) < 50ppm
- Copper/Iron: 0
- Add an HTH® pool sanitiser to suit your chosen pool care routine.
- Add HTH® Granular+ Mineralsoft™ pool chlorine™ daily/every 2nd day or a chlorine floater if you can’t get to your pool every day. Follow on-pack instructions and only enter the pool water when the chlorine level is less than 3ppm.
- To treat algae or green water, test and adjust your pH and then Shock Treat your pool with 3 times the normal dose of HTH® Granular+ Mineralsoft™. Follow pack instructions and only enter the pool water when the chlorine level is less than 3ppm.

Ongoing pool water maintenance:

Remember to:
- Test and correct pH levels weekly.
- Test chlorine level weekly. If chlorine level is too low, add HTH® Granular Mineralsoft Pool chlorine™
- Clear pump & weir baskets weekly, together with brushing pool walls
- Backwash and rinse your pool filter every 2 weeks or when your automatic pool cleaner becomes sluggish
- Test Stabiliser level at least once a season
How to keep your pool blue while you’re away
Top up your pool water as the pump & filter cannot operate properly if the water level is too low.
If you are going away for an extended holiday, ask a friend or neighbour to clear your pump and
weir baskets, backwash and rinse your filter regularly and check that your chlorine level is within
the recommended range. Safety is important when you are leaving your pool unattended.
Restrict access to the pool by ensuring that the pool enclosure gate is closed and/or that the
pool net is securely fitted.