HTH® Test Kit 3 in 1

The trusted solution in water testing from HTH®, the 3-in-1 test kit helps to keep pool water balanced by measuring critical parameters like free chlorine, pH, and Total Alkalinity.

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The HTH® 3 -in-1 Test Kit comes in a handy and durable, reusable container containing all you need to measure the most important swimming pool water parameters. Measure free chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity, once a week to check if the water is healthy and balanced.

Features & Benefits
  • Easy to use
  • Comes in a durable, reusable container
  • Contains reagents to test free chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity
  • Contains test vial with colour chart for free chlorine and pH measurement

NOTE: this test kit does not contain reagents for the testing of Stabiliser (CYA) levels

We regret to inform you that we do not have refills available for the 3-in-1 test kit in stores. Rest assured that we are working on making the refills accessible to you as soon as possible.

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