Save Water & Electricity
Waterwise tips
What to do or avoid to keep yourself waterwise and your pool crystal clear.

DO cover your pool – you can conserve up to 95% of water lost through evaporation.
DO turn off water features in your pool to reduce evaporation.
DO fix water leaks to prevent unnecessary water loss.
DO keep your pool topped up as the pump & filter cannot operate properly if the water level is too low.
DO backwash & rinse your pool filter every 2 weeks or when your automatic pool cleaner becomes sluggish.
DO continue with a regular pool care routine to prevent problems that come with additional water costs.

DON’T leave pool water untreated – untreated water poses health/drowning risks, and attracts mosquitoes.
DON’T allow boisterous activities in the pool, as this results in splash-outs.
DON’T over-stabilise your pool water – this will result in having to drain a portion of pool water.
DON’T empty your pool – there is a risk that the pool surface may crack, and the pool shell may lift up.
DON’T add “Grey Water” into your pool. Grey water is recycled bath, shower, basin and laundry water
DON’T allow pets to swim – this requires additional filtration and backwashing.
Drought & water restrictions advice
Consider alternative water sources when topping up your pool
Backwash water

- Collect water in suitable container – Restrict access to prevent container becoming a drowning hazard. Calculate and add the correct amount of HTH® Extreme Flocc (NB: 1L of HTH® Extreme Flocc treats 50 000L of pool water).
- Stir thoroughly, then wait 24hrs as debris accumulates at the base of the container.
- Add water to the pool, ensuring that the debris remains in the container.
- Resume Basic Pool Care routine
- Divert the debris from the container into the garden.
Borehole water

- Add 2L of HTH® Metal Remover per 50 000L pool to prevent stains on your lining.
- Follow on-pack instructions
Well point water

- Add 2L of HTH® Metal Remover per 50 000L pool to prevent stains on your lining.
- Follow on-pack instructions
Rain water

- Collect water in a suitable container.
- Prevent roof contaminants from the container by using a device to filter out debris.
- Leave water to stand to allow debris to settle to the bottom of the container.
- Add water to the pool, ensuring that debris remains in the container.
- Correct pH and shock treat your pool water (refer to Basic Pool Care).
Grey water

- Grey water is recycled bath, shower, basin and laundry water.
- Do not add grey water to your pool, as the oil/fats/detergents will float on the surface of the pool, cause scrum on the tile and compromise the effectiveness of your pool filtration system.
Tips to save electricity

Because every little bit helps
- Run your pool pump for the correct number of hours per day. (Refer to Filtering Hours)
- Make use of the timer to control the hours that the pump is set to operate.
- Set your pump to run at a time when other household electrical appliances are not in use.
- Clear your pump & weir baskets regularly, backwash/rinse your filter for optimal filtering efficiency.
- Follow a regular pool maintenance routine, to prevent the need for corrective pool treatments.
- Turn off the pool light.
- Solar heating requires a stronger pool pump to circulate the water, which uses more electricity.
- Warmer pool water requires additional chemicals and increased frequency of backwashing/rinsing of filters.
We put
sustainability and
safety at the heart
of everything we do.